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Lugol's Iodine


Product Description

Lugol's Iodine (also called "Lugol's solution") was first developed by the French physician, Jean Lugol, in 1829. It is a transparent brown liquid consisting of 10 parts potassium iodide (KI) to 5 parts iodine to 85 parts of (distilled) water. It is an effective bactericide and fungicide and, in fact, was, for the better part of a century, a common antiseptic - (though it has laboratory uses separate and apart from any medical application). Lugol's and similar iodine solutions probably fell out of favor in the last half of the 20th century due to combination of economics and esthetics: first, it is so cheap to make that it cannot compare to "cleaner," value-added antiseptics with more marketing muscle; and secondly, it will stain clothes and will even temporarily stain skin when used topically to treat a wound. The internal applications of various iodine solutions have been published and discussed for well over a century.



Available in three strengths of Iodine- 2%, 7%, 15%

2% Lugol's Iodine Ingredients

Iodine 1.2 mg, Potassium Iodide 2.4 mg, Distilled Water 94%

7% Lugol's Iodine Ingredients:

Iodine 3.48mg, Potassium Iodide 5.25 mg, Distilled Water 94%

15% Lugol's Iodine Ingredients

Iodine 7.55mg, Potassium Iodide 11.25 mg, Distilled Water 94%


Suggested use:

  • Apply 1-4 drops onto the skin for transdermal use.
  • Internal use:  consult your healthcare professional. Hold dropper bottle horizontally to ensure even dispensing.
  • Max dose: Once daily for three weeks.

Contains no additives.


  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding or have thyroid problems


Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”




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