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Product Description

 Illness is associated with emotional trauma that becomes repressed into the subconscious and stored in the human subtle energy field. Unresolved, these unconscious emotional conflicts lead to a reduced flow of energy that contributes to physical, mental and/or emotional disorders.

7 Chavita™ remedies for the chakras are described in detail


Supplement Facts

Chavita 1

The remedy for the basic or root Chakra. This Chakra is situated between the anus and vagina. It has connections to the ovaries and testicles, and it is involved with all primal energy disturbances. 

The first Chakra has to do with personal pride and healthy self-confidence. Those who feel helpless and dependent and believe they are not good enough (i.e.suffer from feelings of inferiority) often have a disturbed first Chakra along with the corresponding conflicts. This applies as well for all longer-term disorders and diseases of the lower pelvis, hips and legs. The common ileosacral joint blockages belong to the first Chakra. Also belonging to the first Chakra energetically are most prostate and uterine diseases. Many sexual problems are also caused by energy blocks in the first Chakra.

Silicea D21, Carbo Vegetabilis C50, Urtica Urens D21, Oophorinum bovine D21, Orchitinum bovine D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner

Chavita 2
The remedy for the second Chakra, situated in the lower abdomen below the navel. It is connected to the adrenals, which secrete cortisone and other adrenal hormones. The organs that can be affected in this segment are the intestines, kidneys and lower back.

The second Chakra is the energetic center of the ability to stand upright (in the sense of getting things done) and the feeling of self; the center, so to speak, of the fully ex-tended lumbar vertebrae. It is also the center of confrontation and dispute and struggles with the environment. The second Chakra is associated with the adrenal gland and its secretion of cortisone and adrenaline – that is, it has to do with the “fight or flight” hormones. The archetypal emotional basic themes of the second Chakra are:

• “I get things done.”

• “I am different (better, stronger, special).”

Platinum metallicum C50, Causticum C200, Argentum metallicum D21, Thuja occidentalis D21, Juniperus communis D21, Lavadula officinalis D21, Glandula suprarenalis suis D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner

Chavita 3
The remedy for the third Chakra, situated in the upper abdomen. The endocrine gland here is the pancreas. Autonomic regulation is located in the solar plexus and, first of all, directly regulates everything having to do with digestion.

Argentum metallicum D21, Nux vomica C50, Lycopodium C200, Chelidonium majus D21, Zingiber D21, Matricaria chamomilla D21, Pancreas suis D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner


Chavita 4
The remedy for the fourth Chakra, situated in the region of the heart and connected with the thymus gland, which is responsible for immune system function. The fourth Chakra also has to do with all conditions of the lungs, the heart itself and the circulatory system. The autonomic center is the Plexus cardiacus.

Ferrum Metallicum C50, Zincum Valerianicum C200, Aurum Metallicum D21, Eucalyptus globulus D21, Cetraria islandica D21, Crataegus oxyacantha D21, Glandulae thymi D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner


Chavita 5
The remedy for the fifth Chakra, situated in the throat region. The endocrine gland there is the thyroid, the master metabolic gland. When the thyroid functions properly, all other organs with metabolic functions can do their jobs, and the person will feel fine and well-balanced. Both thyroid hyperfunction and hypofunction have a large impact on our general well-being.

Thuja occidentalis C50, Phosphorus D21, Viola tricolor D21, Thyroidinum porcine D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner


Chavita 6
The remedy for the sixth Chakra, situated in the region of the so-called 'third eye' between the eyebrows. This Chakra is linked to the pituitary gland that is responsible for most of the hormonal functions in the body. It can be viewed as the conductor of the hormonal orchestra, producing hormones that guide growth, breastfeeding, for the thyroid, the adrenals, testicles, and ovaries.

Staphysagria C50, Plumbum Metallicum D21, Viscum album D21, Cerebellum porcine D21.

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner


Chavita 7
The remedy for the Crown Chakra that sits on the top of the head, precisely at the location of the king's crown. It is connected to the hypothalamus and the epiphysis. The energetic function of the seventh Chakra is to impart structure, order, and regularity to the entire system. Cyclic and circadian functions - sleep and waking, life and death - are related to this segment. This Chakra is also responsible for a person's stance in the environment, the sense of balance - in fact, a great many functions we usually don't think about until they are disturbed, e.g. vertigo or tinnitus.

Aurum Metallicum C200, Calcarea Sulphurica C200, Lachesis mutus D21, Valeriana officinalis D21, Hypericum perforatum D21, Millefolium D21, Cerebrinum porcine D21

Dosage: Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner



  • Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen.
  • Do not use If pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider before use.

Does not contain any fillers or excipients, corn, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, peanuts, rice, shellfish, soy, sugar, yeast, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.


Additional Information: Homeopathic medicines are good for a very long time as they are very stable when stored under normal conditions (away from moisture and excessive heat or cold). For this reason, the FDA has exempted homeopathic manufacturers from posting expiration dates on the product.


Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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