SUPREN (Pekana)
Product Description
SUPREN spag. drops - For treatment of adrenal fatigue, stress, resistance and dysfunction.
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- Adrenal adaptogen.
- Adrenal dysregulation.
- Adrenals in resistance stage of Selye’s general adaptive syndrome.
Supplement Facts:
3.34 fl oz (100 ml)
Ingredients: Acidum arsenicosum 12X, Acidum sulfuricum 8X, Chamaelirium luteum 12X, Hydrastis canadensis 12X, Kreosotum 12X, Lemna minor 12X, Magnesium fluoratum 12X, Silicea 12X
Suggested Use: ¼ to ¾ teaspoons in water 2 to 4 times per day.
Duration of Use:
May be needed for prolonged period of time, or until the patient has moved from the resistance phase of the general adaptive syndrome to the reaction phase.
Combines Well With:
- Psy-Stabil, Somcupin, or Coro-Calm for emotional stress.
- Helmin and Opsonat for gut dysbiosis.
Generally Not Combined With:
Often alternated but not combined with Neu-Regen.
- Do not use when pregnant or nursing.
- Do no use without consulting your health care professional or if you have any existing medical condition.
- Do not exceed recommended dosage.
Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”